Member Spotlight: Yohani Gomez

Jun 3, 2024

 by Sergio Jara Arroyos

What is a fun fact about me? 

A fun fact about me is that I always think I have a great sense of humor and laugh at my own tuff situations, I guess you can say I joke around with myself. 

What has brought you joy recently? 

More than happiness, I believe that happiness is not a permanent state but small moments that are adding up threout life. I think that lately I have felt lots of peace and tranquility, since I began to exercise the insomnia that I had me trapped disappeared and that brings me well-being and joy.

What is one of my hobbies? (outside of working out) 

My hobbies are going on walks, getting to know new places, I love nature and spending quality time with my 2 kids.

Why do I continue to be a member at Movement Athletics? 

I continue to be a member of Movement Gym because more than a 6 week challenge I want to change my lifestyle and my habits. I want to reach a mature age while still being functional, Active and healthy. I believe the biggest challenge is within myself, assuming all that is presented before me, giving it all of myself to do the best possible. Beyond winning or obtaining a place at the end of the challenge, the simple fact of making a time and daily appointment with me and not failing or making myself look bad to myself and trying to overcome my own weaknesses already makes me a Winner. I feel really great more than a gym, this is a fitness club.