Member Spotlight: Connie Elizondo

Feb 5, 2024

 by Sergio Jara Arroyos
  1. What is a fun fact about you? 
    1. I love the water. I enjoy fishing, I tried paddleboarding for the first time this year. Fun fact is I don't know how to swim.
  2. What has brought you joy most recently? 
    1. Recently what has brought me a lot of joy is having all three of my children home.
  3. What is one of your hobbies (outside of working out)? 
    1. Currently I do not have one, 2024 I will look for a hobby that will inspire my creativity.
  4. Why do you continue to be a member at Movement Athletics? 
    1. I continue to be a member of MA due to the relationships I have built with other members in the gym and being able to get together outside of the gym.  
  5. What goal did you have for yourself in 2023? 
    1. 2023 was continuing on a spiritual journey. What goal do you have for 2024? 2024 I will continue to focus on my health as well as my spiritually.


P.S. Connie is also one of our Movement Athletics Trainers!