Heyya! It’s me Coach P, and with Halloween behind us, we have the Holiday Season ahead of us!
That is right, turkey, gravy, tamales, posole, pumpkin pie and ponche! Yes, our Latin American Roots infuse the Holiday Party scene with a variety of temptations galore! and the excuses begin to fill my mind and tempt my heart…but its ok because we are here for Consistency vs Perfection, but it needs to be a CLEAR consistency that resonates with YOU! Around this time when I find myself wanting to avoid going outside or skipping a gym session because of cold weather ... the Holiday Party…ok let’s be real, Party(s) always have friends, sweet treats, alcohol, and a fun late night!
From the delicious food creating a little bloat, and fun friends keeping me up late, all of a sudden the morning workout doesn’t seem appealing, or it is easier to skip 6PM training for a Holiday Party… UGH the temptations are everywhere! The pumpkin pie and moscato wine seemed like a great idea!
With all of these events & weather elements challenging my will, HOW DO I stay Motivated? I want to remind you how I personally have approached these cheery times. I remind myself of MY WHY: WHY did I choose to exercise consistently? Why did I choose to eat healthier foods? Why did I decide to prioritize my health OVER pleasure? I ask myself, what type of suffering did I experience when I was not doing this? When I remember what I want and what I don't want, the Holiday temptations are a bit more manageable, and this is exactly how I set myself up for success!
Set Personal Boundaries:
Holiday Parties have all the temptations, sweets, alcohol, and sleep deprivation, all a mixture for a shitty next day. Poor sleep leads to poor choices the next day! How do I approach this? I eat my proteins first, there will be turkey, steak, ham, chicken, right? Ok, I will first enjoy my protein, with vegetables and I choose an alcoholic beverage. I promise, if you do this you will likely not have the space for mashed potatoes, buns, bread, BUT you will have space for a dessert!
Life is a game of tradeoffs, I LOVE PUMPKIN PIE and CHEESE CAKE, so I will give up the stuffing and Hawaiian Rolls for one of those. I will be perfectly happy with this trade off! Wait… you are not a fan of sweets? Well by all means enjoy the stuffing! But remember, eat your proteins first 🙂 Nothing above is perfect, it is just a system of trade offs!
Remember, we do not have to be perfect, just consistent.
So with the holiday parties coming, what are your BARE ASS MINIMUM days you will exercise? Remember we do not have to keep up the pace during a fitness challenge or a non eventful time of year, rather maintain some form of routine to keep good habits until the New Year arrives. This means you do not start from scratch, and you leave room to improve and grow entering 2025! Speaking of which….
How can we define or refine our Health Journey?
As a Life Coach with an emphasis in Health & Wellness, there are some questions that come in journal form I invite my dedicated clients to work on. Reflection gives space to digest what has transpired, this creates space for Vision, then we want execution.
Here are some questions that may help you get a jump start for 2025, this would be Reflection: (I promise if you do this early November, you set the stage for successful holiday choices. In December, we visit Vision Building)
I hope this article and personal exploration of my mind gave you something to work with and create your own. If you are interested in Life Style Coaching please feel free to email me pedro@movement-athletics.com . Lets help you discover your why and build out a Map of how to navigate that journey!
With Love,
Coach Pedro