12 Things To Get The Most Out of Your Workout

Apr 5, 2024

 by Ana Nunez

Quick tips to stay consistent and get the most out of your work out. In order to keep track of your progress you need to develop a plan for success, the plan includes body goals- what you want to achieve, a meal plan- a strategic diet for gain or loss of mass, and a work out plan- a game plan for your body movement to achieve the results you want. Other things to consider are as follows. 

  1. Before beginning your work out, set your mind on what you are going to accomplish, take deep breaths and remember your plan.
  2. Try to hydrate before your workout and after your workout, hydration is very important for muscle growth and very imperative if you are taking supplements such as BCAs or amino acids.
  3. Create the proper pregame for you! Take a pre workout or coffee or eat some fruit before starting to give you the kick start for a strong session.
  4. Warm up is just as important as your cool down. Make sure to do both.
  5. When working out remember to breathe with your repetitions, breathing controls the longevity of your work out and oxidizes the fat from your body.
  6. If muscle growth is your goal it’s important to lift heavy weights in a safe manner but also lift to the point of a total burn out for the muscle you are working with to maximize hypertrophy.
  7. Try to eat high protein foods within an hour of working out to maximize your gains and muscle growth.
  8. Stretching after lifting is important for flexibility and long term recovery for all your muscles, joints and ligaments.
  9. Set your mood! Use music to set the mood for your workouts. You can create a playlist on Spotify or meditate to create your mood.
  10. Resting and sleeping are a very important part of your recovery process for growth. Try to get good sleep daily and take a day off from working out to recover and avoid burnout.
  11. Consistency is the key to success so keep your routine fun and exciting, try doing exercises outside when the weather is nice or have a friend join you once a week for an exercise session.
  12. Be good to yourself, remember why you are working out and how important it is to give back to yourself.

It’s important to develop a mindset to create a plan to then apply it consistently to obtain the results you want, everyone has a different body therefore a different approach is necessary for each individual. However finding support is important as well so find a group of people that will help you build that community and together you will be stronger. Keep moving to stay moving.